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  • Craftopia
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  • BigInventory


    Last Update: 17 Jan 2021
    Author: xiaoye97
    Uploader: xiaoye97

    8x8 size Inventory

    • 2KB
    • 426
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    Last Update: 17 Jan 2021
    Author: xiaoye97

    8x8 size Inventory

  • MoreSkillPoints2


    Last Update: 23 Apr 2021
    Author: vocolboy
    Uploader: vocolboy

    Gain 2 skill points each level. now, you can customize it.

    • 2KB
    • 241
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    Last Update: 23 Apr 2021
    Author: vocolboy

    Gain 2 skill points each level. now, you can customize it.

  • FreeEnchant


    Last Update: 24 Sep 2020
    Author: Chiaki
    Uploader: ChiakiP

    ファーガスが任意のエンチャントを付与してくれます。The blacksmith will grant you any enchantment you want.

    • 10KB
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    Last Update: 24 Sep 2020
    Author: ChiakiP

    ファーガスが任意のエンチャントを付与してくれます。The blacksmith will grant you any enchantment you want.

  • MoreSkillPoints


    Last Update: 10 Sep 2020
    Author: xiaoye97
    Uploader: xiaoye97

    Gain 2 skill points when upgrading.

    • 3KB
    • 175
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    Last Update: 10 Sep 2020
    Author: xiaoye97

    Gain 2 skill points when upgrading.

  • ForceCapture


    Last Update: 12 Sep 2020
    Author: rees
    Uploader: rees1208

    U can absolutely get Enemy or NPC mobs using Monster Prism without no attack.モンスタープリズムで敵に攻撃を与えなくても一発で捕獲できます。モンスタープリズムマスターボール仕様。

    • 3KB
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    Last Update: 12 Sep 2020
    Author: rees1208

    U can absolutely get Enemy or NPC mobs using Monster Prism without no attack.モンスタープリズムで敵に攻撃を与えなくても一発で捕獲できます。モンスタープリズムマスターボール仕様。

  • BigInventory2


    Last Update: 10 Mar 2021
    Author: vocolboy
    Uploader: vocolboy

    Extend Inventory + 40 sizeInspired by @xiaoye1997/BigInventory

    • 2KB
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    Last Update: 10 Mar 2021
    Author: vocolboy

    Extend Inventory + 40 sizeInspired by @xiaoye1997/BigInventory

  • DurableVehicles


    Last Update: 16 Sep 2020
    Author: Mattdokn
    Uploader: Mattdokn

    Removes the durability decay on all vehicles. Vehicles won't take damage over time.すべての車についた耐久性の低下を除去します。車は時間をかけて損傷を取りません。

    • 2KB
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    Last Update: 16 Sep 2020
    Author: Mattdokn

    Removes the durability decay on all vehicles. Vehicles won't take damage over time.すべての車についた耐久性の低下を除去します。車は時間をかけて損傷を取りません。

  • SuperStacks


    Last Update: 12 Sep 2020
    Author: niconicop
    Uploader: niconicop


    • 2KB
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    Last Update: 12 Sep 2020
    Author: niconicop


  • MoreSkillPointEachMissionCategory


    Last Update: 21 Dec 2020
    Author: rin_jugatla
    Uploader: rinjugatla

    同じカテゴリに属するミッションをすべて達成した際にスキルポイントを1獲得します。動作にはBepInExが必要です。Earn 1 skill point when you complete all missions in the same category.BepInEx is required for operation.

    • 5KB
    • 121
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    Last Update: 21 Dec 2020
    Author: rinjugatla

    同じカテゴリに属するミッションをすべて達成した際にスキルポイントを1獲得します。動作にはBepInExが必要です。Earn 1 skill point when you complete all missions in the same category.BepInEx is required for operation.

  • Sturdy Weapon

    Sturdy Weapon

    Last Update: 15 Sep 2020
    Author: ok
    Uploader: OkayaKeisuke

    It will allow you to repair your weapons perfectly without reducing their durability value.It also includes an optional feature that makes the weapon less likely to break.

    • 2KB
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    Sturdy Weapon

    Last Update: 15 Sep 2020
    Author: OkayaKeisuke

    It will allow you to repair your weapons perfectly without reducing their durability value.It also includes an optional feature that makes the weapon less likely to break.

  • InfiniteDurability


    Last Update: 11 Sep 2020
    Author: rees
    Uploader: rees1208

    Ur Equipment Durability will increase 99 pt each change durability Event(attack, guard, ...).攻撃するたびに耐久値が99回復するmodです。修理不要になります。

    • 3KB
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    Last Update: 11 Sep 2020
    Author: rees1208

    Ur Equipment Durability will increase 99 pt each change durability Event(attack, guard, ...).攻撃するたびに耐久値が99回復するmodです。修理不要になります。

  • UnlimitedStatusExtension


    Last Update: 18 Sep 2020
    Author: rees1208
    Uploader: rees1208

    U can reset status and extend ur status unlimitedly at anubis.アヌビスでステータスのリセット&何度でもステータスを上げることが可能になります。

    • 5KB
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    Last Update: 18 Sep 2020
    Author: rees1208

    U can reset status and extend ur status unlimitedly at anubis.アヌビスでステータスのリセット&何度でもステータスを上げることが可能になります。

  • InGame Trainer

    InGame Trainer

    Last Update: 11 Sep 2020
    Author: KiNiShiTaRaMaKe
    Uploader: yosuke314

    A ingame trainer implmented by bepinex which has all the functions a trainer should have.

    • 3.2MB
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    InGame Trainer

    Last Update: 11 Sep 2020
    Author: yosuke314

    A ingame trainer implmented by bepinex which has all the functions a trainer should have.

  • InfiniteStamina


    Last Update: 20 Sep 2020
    Author: deleted98280278
    Uploader: deleted98280278

    It will no longer consume stamina.あらゆる行動でスタミナを消費しなくなります。

    • 2KB
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    Last Update: 20 Sep 2020

    It will no longer consume stamina.あらゆる行動でスタミナを消費しなくなります。

  • MoreBossLoot


    Last Update: 23 Apr 2021
    Author: vocolboy
    Uploader: vocolboy

    More Boss Loot For Multiplayer ( host only )

    • 3KB
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    Last Update: 23 Apr 2021
    Author: vocolboy

    More Boss Loot For Multiplayer ( host only )

  • InfinitFishing


    Last Update: 11 Sep 2020
    Author: yoimaro
    Uploader: Yoimaro

    釣りポイントで無限に釣りが可能になります。You can fish infinitely

    • 3KB
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    Last Update: 11 Sep 2020
    Author: Yoimaro

    釣りポイントで無限に釣りが可能になります。You can fish infinitely

  • Gacha_with_money


    Last Update: 17 Sep 2020
    Author: kurumi
    Uploader: dekued

    You don't have to have a gacha coin

    • 2KB
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    Last Update: 17 Sep 2020
    Author: dekued

    You don't have to have a gacha coin

  • build_mod


    Last Update: 16 Sep 2020
    Author: godden
    Uploader: goddenn

    壁や床の建築予測の位置を調整し、より感覚に近い位置に出るようにしました。Adjusted the position of the building prediction of the wall and floor so that it comes out closer to the sense.追記:Postscript壁のマスが半分ずれる現象を修正しました。Fixed the phenomenon that the squ

    • 9KB
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    Last Update: 16 Sep 2020
    Author: goddenn

    壁や床の建築予測の位置を調整し、より感覚に近い位置に出るようにしました。Adjusted the position of the building prediction of the wall and floor so that it comes out closer to the sense.追記:Postscript壁のマスが半分ずれる現象を修正しました。Fixed the phenomenon that the squ

  • GentleWorld


    Last Update: 04 May 2021
    Author: Normal_Mitama
    Uploader: NormalMitama

    ストレスフルな要素を優しくして、優しい世界をつくるMODです。This Mod makes a gentle world by making stressful elements gentle.

    • 17KB
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    Last Update: 04 May 2021
    Author: NormalMitama

    ストレスフルな要素を優しくして、優しい世界をつくるMODです。This Mod makes a gentle world by making stressful elements gentle.

  • QuickRepair


    Last Update: 13 Sep 2020
    Author: ModdingK
    Uploader: ModdingK

    一瞬で修理が完了し耐久度も減少しません。最大耐久度は全回復しません。お金は必要です。Repairs are completed in a flash and the durability is not reduced.Maximum durability will not be restored.Money is required.

    • 2KB
    • 65
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    Last Update: 13 Sep 2020
    Author: ModdingK

    一瞬で修理が完了し耐久度も減少しません。最大耐久度は全回復しません。お金は必要です。Repairs are completed in a flash and the durability is not reduced.Maximum durability will not be restored.Money is required.