How to Conduct a Kentucky Business Entity Search

Check out our guide on searching the Kentucky Secretary of State site.

Kentucky name search
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The Secretary of State website for Kentucky has done a fantastic job of streamlining the business entity search function. On their portal you will be able to search by organization, current/founding officer, and registered agent name. They’ve even supplied a name availability search for those navigating to this webpage in hopes of gaining insight on the permittance of their desired moniker. When you’ve reached the detail business information of a particular entity, you will be able to file an annual report, change the registered agent information or update the Secretary of State of a change in the address of the principle office.

Kentucky Secretary of State Contact Information

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 718
Frankfort, Kentucky 40602-0718
Office Hours:
8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
(502) 564-3490

Kentucky Business Entity Search by Organization Name or Number

Step 1- Begin by navigating to this webpage and entering the name/number of the organization into the field as shown below.

Kentucky Secretary of State business entity search by name or organization number form.

Step 2- You will be presented with a long list of businesses. Those highlighted in green are classified as active while those in red are of course then inactive. Click on the Company Name to research their filing history and detailed business information.

Kentucky Secretary of State business entity search by name or organization number results.

Step 3- Here, if the business is active, you will be able to file annual reports or update the information. Otherwise, you will be able to research the filing history and general information like the organization number, activity history, initial organizer/incorporators etc.

Kentucky Secretary of State business entity search by name or organization number details.

Kentucky Business Entity Search by Founding/Current Officers and Directors

Step 1- This is ultimately a search for information on officers and directors although entering their names into either of the below windows will give you access to the business information of the companies that they work for. To search by founding officer navigate to this webpage, otherwise select this link. Enter the individual’s name into the empty fields as shown below.

Kentucky Secretary of State business entity search by officers form.
Kentucky Secretary of State business entity search by founding/current officers and directors form.

Step 2- You will again be presented with a list of companies they work for as well as the title they hold. The status and the organization’s number will also be presented. Clicking on any company name will bring you to that business’s detailed info.

Kentucky Secretary of State business entity search by founding/current officers and directors results.

Kentucky Business Entity Search by Registered Agent

Step 1- If you are aware of the registered agent for a particular company, you can enter their name into the search bar provided on this webpage.

Kentucky Secretary of State business entity search by registered agent form.

Step 2- You will be presented with a list of businesses that the RA in question represents. Clicking on the business name will present you with the filing history of that particular entity as well as give you the option to file an annual report or update any info.

Kentucky Secretary of State business entity search by registered agent results.

Kentucky Business Entity Name Availability Search

Step 1- This is designed specifically for founding officer’s to search whether or not they will be authorized to register for formation using their chosen name. To begin the search, navigate to this webpage and enter the desired name into the empty field.

Kentucky Business Entity Name Availability Search Form

Step 2- If it is available, it will come up as “no results found” and you will be able to proceed in filing with that name.

Kentucky Business Entity Name Availability Search Results

If it is unavailable, they will present you with the business who’s name is not distinguishable enough from yours to permit you to file using it.

Kentucky Business Entity Name Availability Search Results 2

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