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The Ten Commandments of Goal Setting

Goals are important ingredients for success, but how you set your goals can be just as important to achieve goals. Learn how to make the most of them.

Setting goals is risky business. Depending on how you set your goals, they can elevate you or they can devastate you. And you want to know a secret? Not everyone who succeeds in life sets goals.

[pausing for the oooh’s and aaaah’s…]

Like any tool, however, your goals can be powerful victory builders. But be careful. If you set your goals too high, you’ll quickly become frustrated and experience feelings of failure and the desire to give up. If you set your goals too low, you won’t be motivated to strive.

Though few people talk about it, there are certain tactics you can use to help ensure that your goals significantly aid you in achieving success. Rather than simply be the measuring stick for your achievement, each goal will serve as a vehicle that gets you there. I call these tactics the Ten Commandments of Goal Setting.

The Ten Commandments of Setting Smart Goals

1. Thou Shalt Be Passionate. The passion you have for what you want, what you do, and who you are is more powerful than any goal you ever set. Find your passion first, then set your goals around that.

2. Thou Shalt Be Realistic. If your goal is to make a million dollars in one year, and you only make $500,000, according to your goal, you’ve failed. Yet, you’ve made $500,000! Isn’t that a huge success? So why not set your goal at $100,000 dollars in one year and beat the heck out of it five times that year?

3. Thou Shalt Be Value-Driven. In the pursuit of wealth and satisfaction, many of us lose sight of our values and beliefs. Make a list of your goals, then a list of your values. If you can’t directly associate each goal with one of your values, maybe you shouldn’t invest your time in that particular goal.

4. Thou Shalt Be Detailed. The goal itself is almost never enough. The most effective goals are designed so that you know the goal, the date by which you will achieve it, the quantity by which you will measure it (is “rich” $100,000 or $500,000?), and how it will change your life.

5. Thou Shalt Plan. Start with the end result in mind, then work backward to develop a comprehensive strategy. For example, if your goal is that your teenager confides all her secrets to you, the step before that has to be that she trusts you. To earn her trust, you have to listen and allow her to tell you her mistakes.

6. Thou Shalt Remain Accountable. Find someone to hold you accountable to your goal, or create a system whereby you hold yourself accountable. Collaborate with business leaders to enhance teamwork and achieve overarching objectives. An effective way to do this is to set clear performance goals for each step in your plan and then report to yourself or a friend how far you’ve come in that step. These little goals are easier to measure and give a sense of accomplishment.

7. Thou Shalt Have Fun. Goals won’t do you much good if they just frustrate you and make you feel guilt or a sense of failure. Have fun with them, reward yourself, and when things get tough, take a break and do something novel and entertaining.

8. Thou Shalt Believe. Many of us set goals we don’t truly believe we can reach. Just think of the resolutions you made during New Year’s. Have you ever followed through on one of those? If your goal is to be healthy and fit, and you can’t imagine being able to exercise every other day and stay away from chocolates, then you have to rework your goal into something believable for you. Otherwise, you’ll only frustrate yourself.

9. Thou Shalt Seek Support. Most of us hate to admit it, but we often won’t achieve our goals solely on our own. Depending on the goal, you may need a professional mentor, a coach, a close friend, or an inspiring book. Don’t always try to achieve your goals alone.

10. Thou Shalt Not Give Up. What if you still don’t achieve your goal? Don’t give up. Maybe you’re concentrating too hard on reaching the goal and losing sight of why you set it in the first place. Not everyone succeeds by setting goals. If you try the above and they don’t work for you, then try something else. The most important thing is to be passionate and have fun. You’ll get there.

Understanding Goal Setting

Goal setting is a powerful process that helps individuals and organizations achieve their desired outcomes. It involves defining specific, measurable, and attainable objectives that guide efforts and motivate progress. Effective goal setting requires a clear understanding of what you want to achieve, why it’s important, and how you plan to get there. By setting well-defined goals, you create a roadmap that directs your actions and decisions, helping ensure that every step you take brings you closer to your desired outcomes. Whether you’re aiming for financial success, increased employee satisfaction, or personal growth, having a clear goal in mind can make all the difference.

Setting Effective Goals

Setting effective goals requires careful consideration and planning. Here are some tips to help you set goals that work:

  1. Be specific: Clearly define what you want to achieve. Instead of setting a vague goal like “improve business performance,” specify what aspect you want to improve, such as “increase sales by 20% in the next quarter.”
  2. Make them measurable: Ensure that your goals can be quantified. This allows you to track your progress and know when you’ve achieved your goal. For example, if your goal is to increase employee satisfaction, use surveys and feedback to measure changes in satisfaction levels.
  3. Set attainable goals: While it’s important to challenge yourself, your goals should still be realistic. Setting unattainable goals can lead to frustration and demotivation. Consider your resources and constraints when setting your goals.
  4. Ensure relevance: Your goals should align with your broader business objectives and personal values. This helps ensure that your efforts contribute to your overall business strategy and personal growth.
  5. Be time-bound: Set a deadline for achieving your goals. This creates a sense of urgency and helps you stay focused. For instance, if your goal is to launch a new product, set a specific launch date and work backward to plan your steps.

By following these tips, you can set SMART goals (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and
time-based) that are clear, actionable, and aligned with your desired outcomes.

Overcoming Limitations and Side Effects

While goal setting can be a powerful tool for achieving success, it’s not without its limitations and side effects. Here are some common challenges and how to overcome them:

  1. Setting Unrealistic Goals: One of the biggest pitfalls in goal setting is aiming too high. While it’s great to be ambitious, setting goals that are too far out of reach can lead to disappointment and burnout. To avoid this, break down large goals into smaller, more manageable steps. This allows you to make consistent progress and build momentum.
  2. Losing Motivation: It’s natural to feel a dip in motivation, especially when working toward long-term goals. To stay motivated, celebrate small wins along the way and remind yourself of the bigger picture. Regularly reviewing your progress and adjusting your goals as needed can also help keep you on track.
  3. Dealing with Setbacks: Setbacks are inevitable, but they don’t have to derail your progress. When you encounter obstacles, take a step back and reassess your approach. Look for alternative solutions and be flexible in your planning. Remember, setbacks are opportunities to learn and grow.
  4. Overemphasis on Outcome Goals: Focusing solely on the end result can sometimes lead to stress and anxiety. Instead, balance outcome goals with performance goals that emphasize the process and behaviors needed to achieve the desired outcome. This shift in focus can reduce pressure and increase satisfaction.

By recognizing and addressing these challenges, you can enhance your goal-setting process and increase your chances of achieving your desired outcomes.

Copyright Jaime L. Mintun. Ms. Jaime Mintun is the founder of the transformational growth assistance company PhoenixFire.

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