Fallout 4
Militarized Minutemen WIP 3

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  1. TheHellLord
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    if this mod really works with "We are the Minutemen" when released I will download it but when is it going to be released?
    1. Revelat0r
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      Hopefully, middle of the month is the rumor.
    2. lordtechnosis
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      its still not released yet
  2. WiggzYT
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    maybe a blue digital camouflage as another texture ????
  3. ZombieKiller94
    • member
    • 0 kudos
  4. TheCollector11777
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    This is incredible. I really hope we can have the opportunity to promote this. These armor/outfit models are not just the best Minuteman additions I’ve seen, but my favorite armor pieces in Fallout 4 in general! This is exactly the thing I never knew I needed for my Minutemen. Bravo Corvalho1. You are really talented!
  5. Vandestris
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    I pray to the gods you will complete this. Fantastic stuff.
  6. nami1987
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Pleaseeeee.. im begging you.. dont give up and release this mod.. the minutemen were the most bland, boring and uninteresting faction. this mod is a must.
  7. Browncoat22517
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    I check Nexus every day (sometimes twice a day) hoping to see this mod on the hot files.
  8. dranghin
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Some modders actually release farwest minutemen, us marine minutemen...I'd rather wait for your version, which looks exactly like what I expected. Are you far from a release?
  9. maximumoutlaw32
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Very well done! I was going to get into modding just to make something like this, and this shits all over what I had in mind. If I could add one suggestion, you should add a version of the uniform without the flak and gear on it. That way armor wouldn't look awkward placed over it. And you should try to incorporate it with other minuteman mods. I like the idea of the minutemen getting more advanced over the course of the game. But other than that, I like this trash
  10. KrazyGentleman
    • supporter
    • 40 kudos
    Really looking forward to this one. I know the struggle of real life, modding and such but on behalf of my mind and the rest of the community:

    Jokes aside, I have an potentional idea. It might be a cool idea to add an radio backpack, like those from the WWII and Vietnam Era. Here's a picture(That particular radio on the picture is an AN/PRC-77, which is Vietnam Era. The WWII one is called SCR-300). It might give the impression that all the patrols and such are connected to the Castle, because almost nobody has an Pip-Boy.
    1. maximizers
      • premium
      • 5 kudos
      That's actually quite neat!
    2. SyddSpartan
      • supporter
      • 119 kudos
    3. 8bitSpartan141
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      • 0 kudos
    4. TheEntireSovietUnion
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      This would be a good way of letting them communicate easily, as the ability to arrive at settlements needing help within a small frame would be hard to accomplish without these.
    5. AllenKennedy
      • supporter
      • 3 kudos
      +1 on that idea, then maybe they could actually respond themselves, instead of leaving their general to do all the work for them.
    6. Crysh
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      • 0 kudos