Baldur's Gate 3
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About this mod

Enhancement of Warlock.

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Use BG 3 MM
Respec every Warlock and choose other classes, and you can delete this mod safely.
 Hunger of Hadar
 Evard's Black Tentacles
 cast at higher level grant additional benefits

More Warlock Spell Slots, 12Lv Warlock will have four 6th Warlock Spell Slots in total. Yeah, 6th Warlock Spell Slot, I found it in the leftover of developers.

Added some unique spells and passives for Warlock.
Buffed many warlock spells and passives, making them useful.
Adjusted some warlock spells' VFX and sound effect to keep with the style of Warlock. 
Saving throw proficiencyAdded 
 Constitution Saving throw proficiency to Warlock.

Warlock Spell Slots: You will get 1 addtional Warlock Spell Slot at Level 2, 5, 7, 9. Warlock Spell Slots will be leveled up at Level 3, 5, 7, 9, 11. For example: A Lv12 Warlock has four 6th Warlock Spell Slots in total. 
Eldritch Invocation: You will get 1 Eldritch Invocation every Level after Level 2. For example, a Lv12 Warlock has 12 Eldritch Invocations in total.
Pact Boon:
 Pact of the Chain 
 Pact of the Blade 
 Pact of the Tome 
You can choose 2 out of 3 now.
Mystic Arcanum: New Spells added into it. You can choose 2 Spells in Mystic Arcanum at Level 11 and 12. 4 spells from Mystic Arcanum at most. All spells from Mystic Arcanum are no long rest limitation.

Costom Spells and Passives:
 Misty Escape : All Warlock subclasses will get it at Level 6. Upon taking damage, transform into a bloody fog, and you are immune to physical damage in this form. Last 1 turn. You can also cast this Spell at your own will, and it will cost a BonusAction Point. Original
 Misty Escape
 Dark One's Own Luck
 Entropic Ward are removed.

 Pact of the Tome: At level 3, you will get 
 Shield: Umbra, 
 Misty Step: Umbra, 

 MirrorImage: Umbra
At level 5, you will get 
 Vampiric Touch : Umbra, 
 Call Lightning : Umbra
 Shield: Umbra: This is Warlock version
 Shield, with unique VFX and sound Effect. I found it in the leftover of developers. It only costs a reaction point.
 Misty Step: Umbra: Warlock version 
 Misty Step, I changed its VFX and sound Effect, for keeping with the style of Warlock. It only costs a BonusAction Point.
 Mirror Image: Umbra: Warlock version 
 Mirror Image, I changed its VFX and sound Effect , for keeping with the style of Warlock. It only costs an Action Point.
Mirror Image will last to long rest until someone breaks it or or you Respec. 
 Umbra: Warlock version 
 I changed its VFX and sound Effect , for keeping with the style of Warlock. It only costs an Action Point. 
 Vampiric Touch : Umbra: It only costs an Action Point, no concentrating required.
 Call Lightning : Umbra: Warlock version 
 Call Lightning. I changed its VFX and sound Effect , for keeping with the style of Warlock. It only costs an Action Point, no concentrating required.
Spell and Passive Adjustments:

: Now can be cast at higher level, every level deals addtional 1D6 Necrotic Damage. 6D6 Necrotic Damage at most. You can choose an Ability and give your target Disadvantage on the corresponding SavingThrow instead of Ability Check, making all Hex variants useful.
 Hunger of Hadar
:Now can be cast at higer level, every level can create an addtional area. 4 black spheres at most
 Evard's Black Tentacles
: Now can be cast at higer level, every level can create an addtional area. 3 tentacles area at most
 Armour of Agathys: Now it will punish all kinds of enemy attacks. This only changed your Warlock's Armour of Agathys.
 Hellish Rebuke: I changed its VFX and sound Effect , for keeping with the style of Warlock. It only costs a reaction point now and I changed its damage type to Necrotic. This only changed Warlock's Hellish Rebuke. Anyone else's Hellish Rebuke are not affected.
 CounterspellIt only cost a reaction point now. This only changed your Warlock's Counterspell. Anyone else's Counterspell are not affected.

 Devil's Sight: Now immune to Blinded. This only changed your Warlock's Devil's Sight.
 Lifedrinker: Bonus Damage to all your attacks
 Thief of Five Fates: Now you will get
 Sanctuary instead of 
 and no long rest limitation and it only costs Bonus Action point.
 One with Shadows: Now it requires concentrating, and you will be invisible. Last to long rest. Also, new VFX changed for it.
 Sign of Ill Omen:  Now can cast 
 Bestow Curse without costing a Warlock spell slot
 Mire the Mind: Now can cast 
 Slow without costing a Warlock spell slot
 Dreadful Word: Now can cast 
 Confusion without costing a Warlock spell slot

 Sculptor of Flesh: Now can cast 
 Polymorph without costing a Warlock spell slot
 Minions of Chaos: Now can cast  
 Conjure Elemental without costing a Warlock spell slot. It was leveled up to 6 and it can only be choose at level 11,12 instead of level 9.

使用 BG 3 MM

 哈达之饥渴Hunger of Hadar
 艾伐黑触手Evard's Black Tentacles

更多的邪术师法术位, 12级邪术师总共能拥有4个6环的邪术师法术位。是的,6环邪术师法术位,这是拉瑞安的废案。

豁免检定熟练项: 给邪术师增加了 
 Constitution 体质豁免检定熟练项。
邪术师法术位: 在等级 2, 5, 7, 9,你会获得一个额外的邪术师法术位. 在等级 3, 5, 7, 9, 11,你的邪术师法术位会升环。
比如: 一个12级邪术师能够拥有4个6环邪术师法术位 。
魔能祈唤Eldritch Invocation在到达2级后,你每升一级都能选择一个魔能祈唤。比如:12级邪术师总共能拥有12个魔能祈唤
魔契恩赐Pact Boon: 你可以在链之魔契
 Pact of the Chain
 Pact of the Blade
 Pact of the Tome

玄奥法术池Mystic Arcanum: 新的法术加入了玄奥法术池。在11和12级,你可以在玄奥法术池Mystic Arcanum里选两个法术。最多拥有 4 个玄奥法术,且没有长休限制

 雾遁Misty Escape : 所有邪术师子职业都可在6级解锁。受到伤害后,你可以化作一团血色的浓雾,该形态免疫物理伤害,持续一回合。你也可以主动施放这个法术。游戏原版的 
 雾遁Misty Escape
 黑暗强运Dark One's Own Luck
 熵光结界Entropic Ward 已被移除
书之魔契 Pact of the Tome: 在3级,你能获得 
神导术 Guidance
暗影护盾术 Shield: Umbra, 
 暗影迷踪步Misty Step: Umbra, 
 暗影镜像术MirrorImage: Umbra
 暗影吸血鬼之触Vampiric Touch : Umbra, 
暗影加速 Haste
 暗影召雷术Call Lightning : Umbra
 暗影护盾术Shield: Umbra: 邪术师版本的护盾术
 Shield, 拥有专属的视觉效果和音效。使用只消耗反应点,不消耗法术位。
 暗影迷踪步Misty Step: Umbra: 邪术师版本的迷踪步 
 Misty Step, 为了契合邪术师的风格,我修改了它的视觉效果和音效,使用只消耗附赠动作,不消耗法术位
 暗影镜像术Mirror Image: Umbra: 邪术师版本的镜像术 
 Mirror Image,为了契合邪术师的风格,我修改了它的视觉效果和音效。 使用只消耗动作,不消耗法术位。镜像效果 
Mirror Image 会持续至长休,除非有人打破或者你洗点。
 Umbra: 邪术师版本的加速 
 暗影吸血鬼之触Vampiric Touch : Umbra: 使用只消耗动作,不消耗法术位,不占用专注。
 暗影召雷术Call Lightning : Umbra: 邪术师版本的召雷术 
 Call Lightning为了契合邪术师的风格,我修改了它的视觉效果和音效。使用只消耗动作,不占用专注。

: 现在可以升环施法,每环额外造成1D6黯蚀伤害,最多6D6。现在你可以选择一项属性,让目标对应的豁免检定处于劣势,而不是之前的属性检定处于劣势。这让脆弱诅咒的每一个版本都有自己的作用了
 哈达之饥渴Hunger of Hadar
 艾伐黑触手Evard's Black Tentacles
: 现在可以升环施法,每环额外生成一个区域,最多可召唤3堆触手
 艾嘉西斯之铠Armour of Agathys: 现在会对所有类型的攻击进行反伤。这个更改只针对你的邪术师,其他任何人的艾嘉西斯之铠不受影响
 炼狱叱喝Hellish Rebuke为了契合邪术师的风格,我修改了它的视觉效果和音效。 使用只消耗一个反应点 伤害类型我改成了黯蚀.。这个更改只对你的邪术师的炼狱叱喝有影响,其他任何人的炼狱叱喝都保持不变。
 法术反制Counterspell使用只消耗一个反应点。 这个更改只影响你的邪术师的法术反制,其他任何人的法术反制保持不变。

 魔鬼视界Devil's Sight: 现在免疫目盲。这个更改也只针对你的邪术师,其他任何人的魔鬼视界不受影响
 饮命者Lifedrinker: 现在给予你所有类型的攻击伤害魅力调整值加成。
 命运窃贼Thief of Five Fates: 现在你会获得庇护术 
 Sanctuary 而不是灾祸术 
 融入阴影One with Shadows: 现在占用专注,使用后获得持续至长休的隐身。为了契合邪术师的风格,我修改了它的视觉效果和音效。
 凶兆符记Sign of Ill Omen:  现在你可以不消耗法术位使用降咒 
 Bestow Curse
 精神泥沼Mire the Mind现在你可以不消耗法术位使用缓慢术 
 恐惧箴言Dreadful Word现在你可以不消耗法术位使用困惑术 

 血肉雕刻家Sculptor of Flesh: 现在你可以不消耗法术位使用变形术 
 混沌手下Minions of Chaos:现在你可以不消耗法术位使用 召唤元素生物
 Conjure Elemental 。并且