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Adds the spicy Paladin class Blackguard and custom subclass Shadoweaver.

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Adds the Blackguard class, a spicy Paladin. Requires Script Extender, Mod Fixer, Vlad's Grimoire, VFX Library by Shivero, Improved UI, and Unlock Level Curve 13-20.

I wanted an extra spicy Oathbreaker, so here it is. It's homebrewed with ideas pulled from a few different sources. This focuses heavily on debuffing and crowd control rather than support, and does entirely too much Necrotic damage. This is its own class but is still fundamentally a Paladin and uses the same resources. You are tagged as Paladin and Oathbreaker for dialogues, and tagged as Blackguard to look cool. All abilities introduced have custom icons and VFX.


This uses Strength as its main stat and Charisma for spellcasting, and has the same weapon and armor proficiencies as paladin.

Class Progression and Spell Slots:
I made this a custom class rather than a Paladin subclass so I wasn't limited on what I could do with things like spell lists. Class progression is the same as Paladin up to level 17, after which it gains 4 extra spell slots and 2 extra Oath charges. You do not gain as many Lay on Hands charges, getting 3/5. This is to bring it up to a 7 Paladin/13 Sorcerer multiclass in terms of spell slots. I did this because Paladin falls off after level 7 due to spell slots. I didn't want playing a pure class to feel punishing. Also because I made a lot of spells. Spells are cool and fun and you're still going to be Smiting 95% of the time anyway. 
I tried to balance the class as best I could. Most spells are based on vanilla spells and do equivalent damage to similar spells,  e.g. Wall of Gloom does the same amount of damage as Wall of Fire. Silencing/Chilling/Venomous Smite do the same damage as Thunderous/Wrathful/Searing Smite, just with different damage types and statuses, and so on. 
Upcasting & Concentration:
All spells support upcasting to level 9 for multiclassing. No smites use Concentration. Only Profane Smite can be upcasted for more damage, in line with Paladin smites.
The reason for this is that 1) Shadoweaver is reliant on keeping Darkness up and 2) similar skills in game do not require Concentration. Poisons do not, the Sussur silence dagger does not, Bone Chill does not, Contagion does not, and Edge of Darkness does not.
Because you are tagged as an Oathbreaker you cannot respec through Withers. Use Respec Spell or Appearance Edit Enhanced to respec. 


Level 1: 
  • Profane Smite

    Deals 2d8 Necrotic damage and an additional 1d8 Necrotic damage to Humanoids. Functions exactly like Divine Smite, but does Necrotic damage and instead of doing extra damage against Fiends and Undead, you deal extra against Humanoids.
  • Speak With Dead
  • Lay on Hands

  • Lay on Hands: Lesser Drain Life

    Deals damage equaling 2x your Blackguard level, and heals for half the damage done. Costs 1 Lay on Hands charge. This scales the same way as Paladin Lay on Hands, and like its counterpart it does not have a spell roll.
  • Lay on Hands: Greater Drain Life

    Deals damage equaling 4x your Blackguard level, and heals for half the damage done. Costs 2 Lay on Hands charges. This scales the same way as Paladin Lay on Hands, and like its counterpart it does not have a spell roll.
  • Lay on Hands: Lesser Undead Mending

    Heal an Undead ally for 2x your Blackguard level.
  • Lay on Hands: Greater Undead Mending

    Heal an Undead ally for 4x your Blackguard level.
  • Spell List
    Command, Compelled Duel, Bane, Hex, Arms Of Hadar, Charm Person, Color Spray, Dissonant Whispers, Disguise Self, False Life, Protection From Evil And Good, Ray of Sickness, Sanctuary, Sleep, Tasha's Hideous Laughter, Hellish Rebuke

Level 2: 
  • Venomous Smite

    Deals 1d6 Poison damage. Your target takes 1d6 Poison damage for 10 turns, unless they succeed a Constitution saving throw. Functions like Searing Smite, but it's poison.
  • Chilling Smite

    Deals 1d6 Cold damage and Bone Chills the target for 1 turn.

Level 5:
  • Silencing Smite

    Deals 1d6 Psychic damage and Silences the target for 2 turns.
  • Caustic Smite: Melee

    Deal 2d6 Acid damage and inflict 10 turns of Nauseated. Concentration
  • Caustic Smite: Ranged

    Deal 2d6 Acid damage and inflict 10 turns of Nauseated. Concentration
  • Spell List:
    Blindness, Blur, Crown of Madness, Darkvision, Detect Thoughts, Enthrall, Hold Person, Pass Without Trace, See Invisibility, Silence, Warding Bond, Darkness, Invisibility

Level 9
  • Spell List:
    Counterspell, Fear, Hypnotic Pattern, Slow, Spirit Guardians, Vampiric Touch, Greater Invisibility, Animate Dead, Bestow Curse, Dispel Magic

Level 13:
  • Spell List:
    Banishment, Death Ward, Confusion, Phantasmal Killer, Evard's Black Tentacles

Level 17:
  • Necrotizing Smite

    Deals 5d6 Necrotic damage and inflicts a disease of your choice for 1 turn. Does not apply to Undead, Constructs, or creatures Immune to Disease. All the diseases are from Contagion.
  • Spell List:
    Insect Plague, Contagion, Cloudkill, Dominate Person, Seeming, Hold Monster

Level 19:
  • Spell List:
    Otto's Irresistible Dance, Create Undead, Harm, Circle of Death, Arcane Gate, Eyebite, Flesh to Stone

Level 1:
  • Oath Tenets

    You have no oath anymore, and you haven't for a long time. The light in you was lost long ago, along with whatever principles once drove you. Only darkness binds you now.

Level 5:
  • Extra Attack

Level 6:
  • Aura of Terror

    Impose Disadvantage on enemy Attack Rolls and Saving Throws within 3m. Similar to the skill found on the Baneites.

Level 8:
  • Dark Attunement

    You gain Expertise in Stealth.

Level 11: 
  • Improved Profane Smite

    Melee attacks deal an additional 1d8 Necrotic damage. Exactly like the Paladin counterpart, but Necrotic.

Level 15:
  • Black Knight

    You are Resistant to physical damage. You gain Expertise in Intimidation and Proficiency in Deception.

This class is a heavy debuffer and highly mobile as long as it remains obscured. I really wanted to incentivize remaining in darkness since Shadow Magic is the theme of it. Infuriate Shart by being Immune to the Shadow Curse. This subclass is also tagged as Sorcerer and Necromancer so you don't have to be Gale-splained on what Shadow Magic is.


Level 1
  • Channel Oath: Mark of Putrefaction

    Bonus Action. Costs 1 Channel Oath charge. Make a target Vulnerable to Necrotic damage for 2 turns.
  • Extinguish Light

    Cantrip. Extinguish any magical and non-magical light sources and douse any flames within 9m. Does not apply to Daylight or Hellfire.
  • Shadow Meld

    Level 1 Spell. Bonus Action. Teleport to an unoccupied, obscured location within 24m.  Have fun cheesing Shar's Gauntlet.

Level 2:
  • Channel Oath: Enshroud

    Bonus Action. Costs 1 Channel Oath charge. Become Invisible until you move. Identical to One With Shadows.
  • Channel Oath: Seize Undead

    Bonus Action. Costs 1 Channel Oath charge. Take control of an Undead. It will follow your commands. Identical to Command Undead. Bonus Action, costs 1 Channel Oath charge.
  • Shade Shield

    Level 1 Spell. The cooler Shield. Does the same thing.

Level 5:
  • Curse of Shadows

    Level 2 Spell. Inflict Shadow Possession on a target for 3 turns, causing them to mindlessly attack friend and foe. This is just spicy Crown of Madness.
  • Wraithform

    Level 2 Spell. You become Ethereal, resistant to non-magical damage, have Advantage on Constitution, Dexterity, and Strength save, and become tiny. You cannot attack or cast spells in this form, and it may be dismissed at any time. Light will dispel this form, and you may only take this form while obscured. 
  • Darkening Smite

    Level 2 Spell. Deals 1d4 Necrotic damage within a 3m radius and create a 3m cloud of darkness for 3 turns where you attack. Similar to Edge of Darkness.

Level 9:
  • Hunger of Hadar

    Level 3 Spell. A unique version of Hunger of Hadar that deals Cold and Necrotic damage instead of Cold and Acid. Concentration.
  • Conjure Wraith

    Level 3 Spell. Summons a Wraith to aid you in combat. This uses the Shadow Lantern Wraith spell.

Level 12:
  • Channel Oath: Umbral Assassin

    Bonus Action. Costs 3 Channel Oath charges. For 5 turns you are Heavily Obscured, have Advantage, and deal additional Necrotic damage equal to your Charisma modifier.

Level 13:
  • Curse of Decay

    Level 4 Spell. Does 4d8 Necrotic damage and inflicts Necrosis on the target, which deals 1d6 Necrotic damage for 10 turns unless the target succeeds a Constitution Saving Throw.
  • Wall of Gloom

    Level 4 Spell. Erect a wall of magical darkness that deals 5d8 Necrotic damage per turn, is considered Difficult Terrain, and inflicts 2 turns of Frightened on any who enter it. Concentration.

Level 17:
  • Shadow Resurrection

    Level 5 Spell. Raise a fallen ally with 50% of their maximum HP.

Level 19:
  • Curse of Withering

    Level 5 Spell. Reduce a target's Constitution by 5 for 3 turns. Similar to the Tharchiate Curse. Concentration.
  • Frightful Visage

    Level 5 Spell. Enemies within 9m that fail a Wisdom Saving Throw are Fearful for 3 turns and may be disarmed. Concentration. Similar to Dreadful Aspect.

Level 20:
  • Aberrant Shadows

    Level 7 Spell. Inflict 8d6 Necrotic damage in a 9m radius, create a 9m cloud of darkness for 10 turns, and inflict 2 turns of bleeding on targets that fail a Constitution Saving Throw. Concentration.

Level 1:
  • Shadow's Embrace

    You are Resistant to Necrotic damage and cannot be frightened.

Level 3:
  • Shadowsight

    You have Darkvision up to 36m, can see through magical and non-magical darkness, and cannot be Blinded.

Level 5:
  • Shaded Soul

    You gain Expertise in Arcana, and are Immune to the effects of the Shadow Curse. Infuriate Gale by making the Shadow Lantern yourself.

Level 7:
  • Aura of Desecration

    Enemies within 8m take Necrotic damage equal to your Charisma Modifier each turn, and you are healed for half the damage dealt.

Level 10:
  • Shroud of Shadows

    After casting a spell, you may use a Bonus Action to fly until the end of your turn without provoking Opportunity Attacks. This is just a reskinned Tempestuous Magic.

Level 15:
  • Shadowblend

    Become Invisible when Lightly or Heavily Obscured. This is actually a vanilla passive that creatures in the Shadow-Cursed Lands have.


Install with BG3 Mod Manager or Mod Organizer 2. Vortex installation is neither recommended nor supported.


Spell Lists:

  • Feats Every Level
  • Feats Every 2 Levels
  • Feats Every 3 Levels
  • No Spell Prep
  • Scroll Learning

All my patches utilize Script Extender. If they're not working for you, you're likely missing a requirement or have a load order issue.

You do not need the optional Scroll Learning or No Spell Prep patches if you're using my Scroll Learning SE or No Spell Prep SE (all class versions). 

Patches made by others:

Special thanks

Gycicada for the Class Template
KiderionLykon for the Class and Action Icons Generators 
I heavily referenced dreadoverlord's code for Aeternus Vitae to finally get Aura of Desecration working. 
Nuion for 2k Skill Icons for Modding, I used a couple of them for action icons.
StarEMC2 for The Codex - UUID Database and Sorted VFX UUID list, this made VFX 1000x easier.


My mods:
Bhaal Ritual Circle Tattoo
Compatibility Framework Subclass Patches
Little Spell List Patches
Metamagic Compatibility Patch
No Spell Prep SE
PF2e Spells Compatibility Patches
Scroll Learning SE