"An action film production begins in SHIOKAWA. You vaguely recognize some of the faces - though not quite the names - attached to the project, but apparently, there's a single filmmaker named KOKORO-SAN running the whole show; director, screenwriter and the leading actor all in one person. You've never heard of him before.
Why would a production company decide to move all the way to SHIOKAWA, instead of shooting at any of the much better-equipped studios in Tokyo? Surely not even Hollywood accounting could justify moving personnel and equipment all the way to a relatively remote location, and the production timing coincides with the odd incidents plaguing the town.
Browsing the latest issue of SHIOKAWA CHISMIS CHRONICLES, you stumble upon an ad - the production is looking for extras, no previous experience required. Rates are reasonable, catering provided. It's a great opportunity for you to investigate further.
A local agency, subcontracted by the company, confirms the date. You're to arrive at their office in the morning for a full day of shooting."
A very subtle and tasteful commentary on the importance of following a single vision of an artist in a collaborative creative process.
Features multi-choice custom events with skill-, item- and perk-based checks (with a certain gimmick), a big finale with branching paths and multiple endings, and multiple bosses.
Unpack the contents of the ZIP file into the 'mystery' folder in your WoH directory
(e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\WOH\mystery\).
anv - story, content and implementation
Haspen - community modding guide (Haspen's Modding Almanac), bug reports
Myonmu - modding guide GitHub maintainer
Capo - bug report
J_or_DanMML - bug report
panstasz - WoH and custom mystery template
"An action film production begins in SHIOKAWA. You vaguely recognize some of the faces - though not quite the names - attached to the project, but apparently, there's a single filmmaker named KOKORO-SAN running the whole show; director, screenwriter and the leading actor all in one person. You've never heard of him before.
Why would a production company decide to move all the way to SHIOKAWA, instead of shooting at any of the much better-equipped studios in Tokyo? Surely not even Hollywood accounting could justify moving personnel and equipment all the way to a relatively remote location, and the production timing coincides with the odd incidents plaguing the town.
Browsing the latest issue of SHIOKAWA CHISMIS CHRONICLES, you stumble upon an ad - the production is looking for extras, no previous experience required. Rates are reasonable, catering provided. It's a great opportunity for you to investigate further.
A local agency, subcontracted by the company, confirms the date. You're to arrive at their office in the morning for a full day of shooting."
A very subtle and tasteful commentary on the importance of following a single vision of an artist in a collaborative creative process.
Features multi-choice custom events with skill-, item- and perk-based checks (with a certain gimmick), a big finale with branching paths and multiple endings, and multiple bosses.
Unpack the contents of the ZIP file into the 'mystery' folder in your WoH directory
(e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\WOH\mystery\).
anv - story, content and implementation
Haspen - community modding guide (Haspen's Modding Almanac), bug reports
Myonmu - modding guide GitHub maintainer
Capo - bug report
J_or_DanMML - bug report
panstasz - WoH and custom mystery template