About this image
I made this quick image to demonstrate the amusing routine I've fallen into with Skyrim. I never expected it to get this many views and endorsements, thank you!
* I am aware that the word "different" is spelled wrong, I mistyped it because the image was done quickly, and by the time I noticed it it was too late to remove and re-upload (since the Nexus won't allow image editing). Either way it's not about that, no need to be a Douchey McNitpick and point it out every time. =P
* For the record, I was planning to make the green part smaller (honest!) but wasn't sure people would relate (oh the irony...).
the mod authors on nexus are a gem. please treat them as such
A lot more than trying new mods, however, is the amount of time you are running maintenance on your installation and making sure you have uninterrupted play for hours, to somehow gauge it.