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Practical Incarnation

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About this mod

Small balance mod to improve viability of inferior options, fix balance issues with overpowered options, to improve the overall game play experience.

Permissions and credits
  • Steam Hub coal usage increased - Range 1 from base 3 to 6, Range 2 from base 6 to 9
  • Wall Drill nerfed from base 16/h to 12/h, Steam Wall Drill nerfed from 20/h to 18/h
  • Steam Coal Mine nerfed from base 60/h to 48/h

  • Steam hubs were overpowered, making the Generator range upgrades completely useless, as it's inferior in all cases. The change will make steam hubs use a little more coal than the Generator range upgrades, making it a tradeoff between the Generator using less coal, while steam hubs takes less research time and are more expandable and flexible.
  • Steam hub range 2 now uses less coal than range 1, making it a viable upgrade
  • Wall Drills was a little overpowered, while the upgrades were too weak and not worth it. The progression is changed from 16/20/24 to 12/18/24, making upgrades more viable.
  • Steam Coal Mine was a little overpowered. The progression is changed from 24/60/90 to 24/48/90.

  • Due to the nerf to steam hubs, the game will become more difficult for players who were min-maxing and relying on steam hubs. There will be higher pressure on coal supply.
  • Steam hub description will still state the vanilla coal usage, it is not updated.
  • Frostpunk is very difficult to mod, requiring binary/hex editing and coding your own tools. Other changes may be too difficult to implement.
  • The mod is likely only compatible with the current patch 1.6.2. It will not be backwards or forwards compatible, due to the file structure of the game being not mod friendly.
  • Recommend starting a new game with the mod. Existing saves will have inconsistent behaviour with the steam hubs, requiring flipping the range
    for every active steam hub to reset their coal usage.

Installation Instructions
  • The files are created in VCDIFF patch format and needs to be patched with an external program. VCDIFF is an open standard for patching file differences, programs such as xdelta3, which is an open source tool, also available in many Linux repositories, Windows builds are available on their site. Care has been taken on my part to make the patches as small as possible.
  • 4 files needs to be patched. templates.idx and templates.dat for the Steam Hub changes, common.idx and common.dat for the Wall Drill and Coal Mine changes. Please make a backup of your original files first.
  • If you use xdelta3, you can use the following commands to patch, and then replace the original files with the newly created ones
    xdelta3 -d -D -s templates.idx templates.idx-balance-mod.vcdiff templates-new.idx
    xdelta3 -d -D -s templates.dat templates.dat-balance-mod.vcdiff templates-new.dat
    xdelta3 -d -D -s common.idx common.idx-balance-mod.vcdiff common-new.idx
    xdelta3 -d -D -s common.dat common.dat-balance-mod.vcdiff common-new.dat