About this mod
Prototype 2 pedestrian skin mod that includes the head of Dana Mercer.
Update: fixed hoodie to the best of my amature abilities and shorten the lower half of her coat.
- Permissions and credits
Body mesh is from p2, female pedestrian (FN_H22_TC13_LC03_cau_Disguise to be exact) with head mesh of Dana Mercer.
Like before this Incorporates some other mods aswell
Hand mesh originally done by witchblade
Spines via the shield/armor is from
P2 looking shoulder mesh from Rxæ (Lich)
Altered alex_blade is a tweaked/modified version of nuke wizard's "joke mod"
Join prototype server for more mods, info, and updates: https://discord.gg/MyRJf2Gad5
In order to use these:
1. Scarface Extractor needed, theres likely other methods at this point that I'm not aware of, so give discord server a shot.
2. Open Scarface Extractor, you'll be greeted by options to, "select a RCF file
to extract". And under that, option to save extracted file within another
folder (make new folder). What you'll need to do is extract art.rcf via
the prototype directory. Once you've done that delete and replace the
original art folder with the extracted art folder via the prototype
directory, also move art.rcf somewhere else other than the prototype directory (it is highly recommended to save the art.rcf somewhere else in case of any error).
3. So now you should be able to merely delete and replace vanilla p3d.rz files with the the modded p3d
files within their respected folders via the art folder. So just deleted the vanilla p3d.rz and replace it with the modded p3d files.
Where to put modded p3d files:
alex.p3d - art>alex
startup_effects.p3d - art
alex_blades.p3d, alex_claws.p3d, alex_shield.p3d, alex_parasite.p3d, alex_whipfist.p3d,
alexshotbody_disguise.p3d, alex_armour.p3d, alex_musclemass.p3d,
alex_hammerfist.p3d - art>packages>powers
Again, remember to save the vanilla art.rcf file somewhere else just in case don't be cheeky and deleted it.