About this mod
Adds scrolls for all the 5e Spells to the game.
All credit for creating the spells and their original assets goes to DiZ91891!
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Adds all the 5e Spells scrolls to the game, the scrolls register to the generic magic scroll loot categories and will be found at vendors and in generic loot.
For those who want all the scrolls from the start you can install the chest mod called SecretScrolls-5eSpells-Chest-x.y.z.zip. This file can be found under Optional Files and will add a chest to a moderately dark section of the Nautiloid and one to the basement of Mystra's Tower in the Underdark. This chest can also be added to the Tutorial Chest using a second Optional File called SecretScrolls-5eSpells-Tutorial-x.y.z.zip. Please note that the files work in concert - for the Tutorial Chest to work properly you will need to install all three files!
If you are looking for scrolls that implement missing base game spells, check out Secret Scrolls!
As the mod only contains references to Spell names defined in 5e Spells, it should remain fairly compatible with its version updates without any change required in this mod. The only exception is spell removals in 5e Spells which can cause scrolls to become broken.
For you convenience you can find hints in the Changelog of this mod to what version of 5e Spells the mod has been certified for but in most cases it should just work out of the box.
Q: How do I know which version of 5e Spells is supported by this mod?
A: Generally this mod will just work with updates out of the box. The only exception is when spells are removed from 5e Spells. Please find more details under Compatibility.
Q: How does this mod handle removal of Spells in the 5e Spells mod?
A: The mod will need be updated to remove references to said Spells. If you encounter such an issue, feel free to report under Bugs!
Q: What happens if a Spell was removed in 5e Spells but this mod has not been updated to the version yet?
A: If the Spell was removed entirely, that is, its definition is no longer present in 5e Spells, the game will crash when you interact with the Scroll. You may want to report this issue under Bugs and downgrade to the version of 5e Spells supported in the interim.
The 5e Spells mod and Baldur's Gate 3 Mod Fixer.
All the spells referenced here and the associated assets were provided by and used with the permission of DiZ91891, the creator of 5e Spells. Hail to the celestial wizard!
On Github!