The idea was to make it look closer to the dark blood seen on spikes, also in other games/movies blood splatter is usually dark and not bright red like fireworks. Its not perfect as the only way to edit the blood is by darkening the greyscale texture since the game itself controls the actual color meaning there's no actual file to edit the the only way i did this was making the blood more transparent in sections of the texture which makes it look darker. So because there's no way of adding a solid color to the transparency of the blood this will look better in tombs/darker environments than outdoor environments.
I've made 2 versions one that's Darker and one that's EVEN Darker. The Even Darker one is pretty much impossible to see in Daylight Environments But will look Great at Night if you want a more realistic coloring of blood..
Drop one of 2 files in... "example" D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Tomb Raider I-III Remastered\1\TEX
AND RENAME file to 8999
If you have any trouble adding this mod you might have to drop the 6.mips.bat and texconv.exe in the same TEX folder then drag and drop the 8999 file you want on the 6_mips.bat ... newer to modding this game but whenever it doesn't work for me that's what i do and it works or i just uninstall the game the reinstall it and try again and it ends up working.
If you try the mod and change your mind about using it or want to try the other file just uninstall and reinstall the game if your on steam. your save files wont disappear but all the other files associated with textures will go back to the games original.
Check out some of my other mods :)